
Interface definition for the ENCX24J600 driver.

void encx24j600_setup(encx24j600_t * dev, const encx24j600_params_t * params)

Setup an encx24j600 based device state.

This function sets SPI pins, initializes the device state structure. It does not initialize the device itself.


dev:the handle of the device to initialize
params:parameters for device initialization

struct encx24j600_t

encx24j600 netdev device

netdev.h::netdev_t netdev

extended netdev structure

spi.h::spi_t spi

SPI device the enc is connected to.

gpio.h::gpio_t cs

SPI chip select pin.

gpio.h::gpio_t int_pin

SPI interrupt pin.

uint16_t rx_next_ptr

ptr to next packet whithin devices memory

struct encx24j600_params_t

Struct containing the needed peripheral configuration.

spi.h::spi_t spi

SPI line.

gpio.h::gpio_t cs_pin

chip select pin

gpio.h::gpio_t int_pin

interrupt pin