
sock utility function definitions


maximum length of the scheme part for sock_urlsplit.


Ensures a hard limit on the string iterator


maximum length of host:port part for util.h::sock_urlsplit()


maximum length path for util.h::sock_urlsplit()

int sock_udp_ep_fmt(const sock/udp.h::sock_udp_ep_t * endpoint, char * addr_str, uint16_t * port)

Format UDP endpoint to string and port.


endpoint:endpoint to format
addr_str:where to write address as string
port:where to write prt number as uint16_t

Return values

  • number of bytes written to addr_str on success
  • <0 otherwise
int sock_urlsplit(const char * url, char * hostport, char * urlpath)

Split url to host:port and url path.

Will split e.g., “https://host.name:1234/url/path” into “host.name:1234” and “/url/path”.


Caller has to make sure hostport and urlpath can hold the results! Make sure to provide space for util.h::SOCK_HOSTPORT_MAXLEN respectively util.h::SOCK_URLPATH_MAXLEN bytes. Scheme part of the URL is limited to util.h::SOCK_SCHEME_MAXLEN length.


url:URL to split
hostport:where to write host:port
urlpath:where to write url path

Return values

  • 0 on success
  • <0 otherwise
int sock_udp_str2ep(sock/udp.h::sock_udp_ep_t * ep_out, const char * str)

Convert string to UDP endpoint.

Takes eg., “[2001:db8::1]:1234” and converts it into the corresponding UDP endpoint structure.


ep_out:endpoint structure to fill
str:string to read from

Return values

  • 0 on success
  • <0 otherwise
bool sock_udp_ep_equal(const sock/udp.h::sock_udp_ep_t * a, const sock/udp.h::sock_udp_ep_t * b)

Compare the two given UDP endpoints.

The given endpoint identifiers are compared by checking their address family, their addresses, and their port value.


a:Endpoint A
b:Endpoint B

Return values

  • true if given endpoint identifiers point to the same destination
  • false if given endpoint identifiers do not point to the same destination, or if the address family is unknown