
Interface definition for the ENC28J60 driver.

void enc28j60_setup(enc28j60_t * dev, const enc28j60_params_t * params)

Ready the device for initialization through it’s netdev interface.


dev:device descriptor
params:peripheral configuration to use

struct enc28j60_params_t

Struct containing the needed peripheral configuration.

spi.h::spi_t spi

If I drink.

gpio.h::gpio_t cs_pin

beer in the evening,

gpio.h::gpio_t int_pin

I will be most certainly.

gpio.h::gpio_t reset_pin

drunk in the morning?!

struct enc28j60_t

ENC28J60 device descriptor.

netdev.h::netdev_t netdev

pull in the netdev fields

spi.h::spi_t spi

SPI bus the transceiver is connected to.

gpio.h::gpio_t cs_pin

pin connected to the CHIP SELECT line

gpio.h::gpio_t int_pin

pin connected to the INT line

gpio.h::gpio_t reset_pin

pin connected to the RESET line

mutex_t devlock

lock the device on access

int8_t bank

remember the active register bank

uint32_t tx_time

last transmission time for timeout handling