Forwarding table

int gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_get(const ipv6_addr_t * dst, include/net/gnrc/pkt.h::gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt, gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t * fte)

Gets the best matching forwarding table entry to a destination.


dst:The destination.
pkt:Packet that is supposed to go to that destination (is handed over to a reactive routing protocol if one exists on the interface found and no route is found)
fte:The resulting forwarding table entry.

Return values

  • 0, on success.
  • -ENETUNREACH, if no route was found.
int gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_add(const ipv6_addr_t * dst, unsigned dst_len, const ipv6_addr_t * next_hop, unsigned iface, uint16_t lifetime)

Adds a new route to the forwarding table.

If dst is the default route, the route will be configured to be the default route.


dst:The destination to the route. May be NULL or :: for default route.
dst_len:The prefix length of dst in bits. May be 0 for default route.
next_hop:The next hop to dst/dst_len. May be NULL, if dst/dst_len is no the default route.
iface:The interface to next_hop. May not be 0.
lifetime:Lifetime of the route in seconds. 0 for infinite lifetime.

Return values

  • 0, on success.
  • -EINVAL, if a parameter was of invalid value.
  • -ENOMEM, if there was no space left in forwarding table.
void gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_del(const ipv6_addr_t * dst, unsigned dst_len)

Deletes a route from forwarding table.

If dst is the default route, the function assures, that the current primary default route is removed first.


dst:The destination of the route. May be NULL or :: for default route.
dst_len:The prefix length of dst in bits. May be 0 for default route.

bool gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_iter(const ipv6_addr_t * next_hop, unsigned iface, void ** state, gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t * fte)

Iterates over all forwarding table entries in the NIB.


next_hop:Restrict iteration to entries to this next hop. NULL for any next hop. Can be used to build a source routing tree.
iface:Restrict iteration to entries on this interface. 0 for any interface.
state:Iteration state of the forwarding table. Must point to a NULL pointer to start iteration.
fte:The next forwarding table entry.
The iteration over all forwarding table entries in the NIB includes all entries added via gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_add() and entries that are currently in the Destination Cache, in the Prefix List, and in the Default Router List.

Usage example:

#include "net/gnrc/ipv6/nib/ft.h"

int main(void) {
    void *state = NULL;
    gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t fte;

    puts("My neighbors:");
    while (gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_iter(NULL, 0, &state, &fte)) {
    return 0;


The list may change during iteration.

Return values

  • true, if iteration can be continued.
  • false, if fte is the last neighbor cache entry in the NIB.
void gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_print(const gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t * fte)

Prints a forwarding table entry.


fte:A forwarding table entry.

struct gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t

Forwarding table entry view on NIB.

ipv6_addr_t dst

destination or prefix

ipv6_addr_t next_hop

next hop to ft.h::gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::dst

uint8_t dst_len

prefix-length in bits of ft.h::gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::dst

uint8_t primary

!= 0 if ft.h::gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::dst is preferred default route

uint16_t iface

interface to ft.h::gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::next_hop