IPv6 address blacklist

This refuses IPv6 addresses that are defined in this list.

int gnrc_ipv6_blacklist_add(const ipv6_addr_t * addr)

Adds an IPv6 address to the blacklist.


addr:An IPv6 address.

Return values

  • 0, on success.
  • -1, if blacklist is full.
void gnrc_ipv6_blacklist_del(const ipv6_addr_t * addr)

Removes an IPv6 address from the blacklist.

Addresses not in the blacklist will be ignored.


addr:An IPv6 address.

bool gnrc_ipv6_blacklisted(const ipv6_addr_t * addr)

Checks if an IPv6 address is blacklisted.


addr:An IPv6 address.

Return values

  • true, if addr is blacklisted.
  • false, if addr is not blacklisted.
void gnrc_ipv6_blacklist_print(void)

Prints the blacklist.


Maximum size of the blacklist.
