RN2483/RN2903 LoRa module driver

High-level driver for the RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules.

enum @154
Command is valid.
Command returned data.
Command timeout.
Device mac initialization failed.
Wrong command given.
Network is not joined.
All channels are busy.
Device is in Silent Immediately state.
Frame counter rolled over.
MAC is not in Idle state.
MAC was paused.
Wrong payload given.
Keys not configured (“mac join” command)
Failure because device is in sleep mode.
MAC transmission successful.
MAC transmission failed.
Application payload too large.
Data received from server.
Join procedure successful.
Join procedure failed.
No MAC reply received from server.
Unknown reply.
enum @155
the device is being reset or initialized
waiting command response
waiting for incoming commands
sleep mode
waiting for mac join procedure reply
waiting for mac tx reply
waiting for mac rx port
waiting for mac rx message
void rn2xx3_setup(rn2xx3_t * dev, const rn2xx3_params_t * params)

Prepares the given RN2XX3 device.


dev:RN2XX3 device to initialize
params:parameters for device initialization

int rn2xx3_init(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Initializes the RN2XX3 device.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • -ENXIO if UART initialization failed
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if UART communication failed
int rn2xx3_sys_reset(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Restarts the RN2XX2 device.

After calling this function, dev->resp_buf contains the module name and version string.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if UART communication failed
int rn2xx3_sys_factory_reset(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Performs a factory reset of the module.

The configuration data and user EEPPROM are reinitialized to factory default values and the module reboots

After calling this function, dev->resp_buf contains the module name and version string.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if UART communication failed
int rn2xx3_sys_sleep(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Puts the RN2XX2 device in sleep mode.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if UART communication failed
int rn2xx3_mac_init(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Initializes the RN2XX3 device MAC layer.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if UART communication failed
int rn2xx3_write_cmd(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Writes a command to the RN2XX3 device.

The module will immediately reply with a meaningful message if the command is valid or not.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if no response is received from the module
  • RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_PARAM if command is invalid
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NOT_JOINED if network is not joined
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NO_FREE_CH if no free channel
  • RN2XX3_ERR_SILENT if device is in Silent state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_FR_CNT_REJOIN_NEEDED if frame counter rolled over
  • RN2XX3_ERR_BUSY if MAC is not in Idle state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH if payload is too large
  • RN2XX3_ERR_KEYS_NOT_INIT if keys are not configured
int rn2xx3_write_cmd_no_wait(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Writes a command to the RN2XX3 device but don’t wait for timeout.

The module will immediately reply with a meaningful message if the command is valid or not.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_PARAM if command is invalid
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NOT_JOINED if network is not joined
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NO_FREE_CH if no free channel
  • RN2XX3_ERR_SILENT if device is in Silent state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_FR_CNT_REJOIN_NEEDED if frame counter rolled over
  • RN2XX3_ERR_BUSY if MAC is not in Idle state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH if payload is too large
  • RN2XX3_ERR_KEYS_NOT_INIT if keys are not configured
int rn2xx3_wait_response(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Waits for a response to a command from the device.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK on success
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if no response is received from the module
  • RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_PARAM if command is invalid
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NOT_JOINED if network is not joined
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NO_FREE_CH if no free channel
  • RN2XX3_ERR_SILENT if device is in Silent state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_FR_CNT_REJOIN_NEEDED if frame counter rolled over
  • RN2XX3_ERR_BUSY if MAC is not in Idle state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH if payload is too large
  • RN2XX3_ERR_KEYS_NOT_INIT if keys are not configured
int rn2xx3_wait_reply(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t timeout)

Waits for a reply from the LoRaWAN network.


dev:LoRaBee device descriptor
timeout:Reply wait timeout in seconds

Return values

  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TIMEOUT when no MAC reply is received from server
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_OK when MAC transmission succeeded
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_ERR when MAC transmission failed
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_RX when received downlink data from server
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_INVALID_DATA_LEN when Application payload is too large
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_JOIN_ACCEPTED when the join procedure succeded
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_JOIN_DENIED when the join procedure failed
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_OTHER when an unknown reply is received
int rn2xx3_mac_tx(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t * payload, uint8_t payload_len)

Sends data to LoRaWAN server.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor
payload:Payload to transmit
payload_len:Payload length to transmit

Return values

  • RN2XX3_ERR_KEYS_NOT_INIT if the loramac params are not configured
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NO_FREE_CH if channels are busy
  • RN2XX3_ERR_SILENT if device is in Silent state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_BUSY if MAC layer is in idle state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_MAC_PAUSED if MAC layed is paused
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_INVALID_DATA_LEN if payload is too large
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_ERR when MAC transmission failed
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_RX when received downlink data from server
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_OK when MAC transmission succeeded
int rn2xx3_mac_join_network(rn2xx3_t * dev, loramac.h::loramac_join_mode_t mode)

Starts network activation procedure.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor
mode:Activation procedure type

Return values

  • RN2XX3_ERR_KEYS_NOT_INIT if the loramac params are not configured
  • RN2XX3_ERR_NO_FREE_CH if channels are busy
  • RN2XX3_ERR_SILENT if device is in Silent state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_BUSY if MAC layer is in idle state
  • RN2XX3_ERR_MAC_PAUSED if MAC layed is paused
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_JOIN_ACCEPTED when the join procedure succeded
  • RN2XX3_REPLY_JOIN_DENIED when the join procedure failed
int rn2xx3_mac_save(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Saves current LoRaMAC configuration to internal EEPROM.

The configuration parameters saved are: frequency band, end device EUI, application EUI, application key, network session key, application session key, end device EUI and all channel parameters.


dev:RN2XX3 device descriptor

Return values

  • RN2XX3_OK if all is ok
  • RN2XX3_TIMEOUT if the device didn’t reply
void rn2xx3_mac_get_deveui(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t * eui)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device EUI.

The device EUI is an array of 8 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
eui:The device EUI

void rn2xx3_mac_set_deveui(rn2xx3_t * dev, const uint8_t * eui)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device EUI.

The device EUI is an array of 8 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
eui:The device EUI

void rn2xx3_mac_get_appeui(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t * eui)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application EUI.

The application EUI is an array of 8 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
eui:The application EUI

void rn2xx3_mac_set_appeui(rn2xx3_t * dev, const uint8_t * eui)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application EUI.

The application key is an array of 8 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
eui:The application EUI

void rn2xx3_mac_set_appkey(rn2xx3_t * dev, const uint8_t * key)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application key.

The application key is an array of 16 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
key:The application key

void rn2xx3_mac_set_appskey(rn2xx3_t * dev, const uint8_t * key)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application session key.

The application session key is an array of 16 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
key:The application session key

void rn2xx3_mac_set_nwkskey(rn2xx3_t * dev, const uint8_t * key)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC network session key.

The network session key is an array of 16 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
key:The network session key

void rn2xx3_mac_get_devaddr(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t * addr)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device address.

The device address is an array of 4 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
addr:The device address

void rn2xx3_mac_set_devaddr(rn2xx3_t * dev, const uint8_t * addr)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device address.

The device address is an array of 4 bytes.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
addr:The device address

loramac.h::loramac_tx_pwr_idx_t rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_power(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX radio power index.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The radio power index
void rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_power(rn2xx3_t * dev, loramac.h::loramac_tx_pwr_idx_t power)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC transmission power index.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
power:The TX power index

loramac.h::loramac_dr_idx_t rn2xx3_mac_get_dr(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The datarate
void rn2xx3_mac_set_dr(rn2xx3_t * dev, loramac.h::loramac_dr_idx_t dr)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
dr:The datarate

uint16_t rn2xx3_mac_get_band(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency band in operation.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The frequency band
bool rn2xx3_mac_get_adr(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Checks if the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC adaptive datarate is enabled/disabled.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • true if adaptive datarate is set, false otherwise
void rn2xx3_mac_set_adr(rn2xx3_t * dev, bool adr)

Enables/disables the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC adaptive datarate.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
adr:The adaptive datarate mode

void rn2xx3_mac_set_battery(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t battery)

Sets the rn2xx3 battery level measured by the end device.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
battery:The battery level:
  • 0 means external power,
  • 1 means low level,
  • 254 high level,
  • 255 means the battery level couldn’t be measured by the device.

uint8_t rn2xx3_mac_get_retx(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC uplink retransmission retries number.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The number of uplink retransmission retries
void rn2xx3_mac_set_retx(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t retx)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC uplink retransmission retries number.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
retx:The number of uplink retransmission retries

void rn2xx3_mac_set_linkchk_interval(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint16_t linkchk)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC link check interval (in seconds)


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
linkchk:The link check interval in seconds

uint16_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx1_delay(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the first reception window (in ms)


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The delay in ms
void rn2xx3_mac_set_rx1_delay(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint16_t rx1)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the first reception window (in ms)


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
rx1:The delay in ms

uint16_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_delay(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the second reception window (in ms)


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The delay in ms
bool rn2xx3_mac_get_ar(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Checks the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC automatic reply state.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The automatic reply state
void rn2xx3_mac_set_ar(rn2xx3_t * dev, bool ar)

Enables/disables LoRaMAC rn2xx3 MAC automatic reply state.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
ar:The automatic reply state

loramac.h::loramac_dr_idx_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_dr(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate used for second receive window.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The datarate during second receive window
void rn2xx3_mac_set_rx2_dr(rn2xx3_t * dev, loramac.h::loramac_dr_idx_t dr)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate used for second receive window.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
dr:The datarate during second receive window

uint32_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_freq(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency used during second receive window (in Hz)


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The frequency during second receive window
void rn2xx3_mac_set_rx2_freq(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint32_t freq)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency used during second receive window (in Hz)


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
freq:The frequency during second receive window

uint8_t rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_port(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX port.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The TX port
void rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_port(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint8_t port)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX port.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
port:The TX port (from 1 to 223)

loramac.h::loramac_tx_mode_t rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_mode(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX mode.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The TX mode, either confirmable or unconfirmable
void rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_mode(rn2xx3_t * dev, loramac.h::loramac_tx_mode_t mode)

Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX mode.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
mode:The TX mode, either confirmable or unconfirmable

uint8_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx_port(rn2xx3_t * dev)

Parses the response buffer to get the LoRaWAN RX port.


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor

Return values

  • The RX port (between 1 and 223)
void rn2xx3_sys_set_sleep_duration(rn2xx3_t * dev, uint32_t sleep)

Sets the rn2xx3 sleep mode duration (in ms)


dev:The rn2xx3 device descriptor
sleep:The sleep mode duration (ms)


Maximum length of an exchanged messages with commands.


Maximum length of an RX message.


LoRaMAC payload can be up to 250 bytes.


Maximum delay in second to receive a reply from server.


Minimum sleep duration (in ms)


Default sleep duration (in ms)

struct loramac_settings_t

LoRaMAC communication settings.

uint32_t rx2_freq

Center frequency used for second receive window.

loramac.h::loramac_dr_idx_t rx2_dr

Datarate used for second receive window.

uint8_t tx_port

Application TX port (between 1 and 223)

loramac.h::loramac_tx_mode_t tx_mode

TX mode, either confirmable of unconfirmable.

uint8_t rx_port

RX port (between 1 and 223)

struct rn2xx3_params_t

Configuration parameters for RN2483/RN2903 devices.

uart.h::uart_t uart

UART interfaced the device is connected to.

uint32_t baudrate

baudrate to use

gpio.h::gpio_t pin_reset

GPIO pin that is connected to the STATUS pin set to GPIO_UNDEF if not used.

struct rn2xx3_t

RN2483/RN2903 device descriptor.

netdev.h::netdev_t netdev

Netdev parent struct.

rn2xx3_params_t p

configuration parameters

loramac_settings_t loramac

loramac communication settings

char cmd_buf()

command to send data buffer

mutex_t cmd_lock

mutex to allow only one command at a time

uint8_t int_state

current state of the device

mutex_t resp_lock

mutex for waiting for command response

char resp_buf()

command response data buffer

uint16_t resp_size

counter for received char in response

uint8_t resp_done

check if response has completed

char rx_tmp_buf()

Temporary RX buffer used to convert 2 hex characters in one byte on the fly.

uint8_t rx_buf()

RX data buffer.

uint16_t rx_size

counter for received char in RX

xtimer.h::xtimer_t sleep_timer

Timer used to count module sleep time.

uint32_t sleep

module sleep duration