
Interface definition for the W5100 device driver.

enum @172
W5100_ERR_BUS = -1
void w5100_setup(w5100_t * dev, const w5100_params_t * params)

So the initial device setup.

This function pre-initializes the netdev structure, saves the configuration parameters and finally initializes the SPI bus and the used GPIO pins.

struct w5100_params_t

W5100 device descriptor.

spi.h::spi_t spi

SPI bus used.

atmega_common/include/periph_cpu_common.h::spi_clk_t clk

clock speed used on the selected SPI bus

gpio.h::gpio_t cs

pin connected to the chip select line

gpio.h::gpio_t evt

pin connected to the INT line

struct w5100_t

Device descriptor for W5100 devices.

netdev.h::netdev_t nd

extends the netdev structure

w5100_params_t p

device configuration parameters