
Low-level UART peripheral driver interface definition.


Default UART undefined value.


Default UART device access macro.

enum @150
UART_OK =  0
everything in order
invalid UART device given
given baudrate is not applicable
all other internal errors
given mode is not applicable
unsigned int uart_t

Define default UART type identifier.

void(* uart_rx_cb_t()

Signature for receive interrupt callback.


arg:context to the callback (optional)
data:the byte that was received

int uart_init(uart.h::uart_t uart, uint32_t baudrate, uart.h::uart_rx_cb_t rx_cb, void * arg)

Initialize a given UART device.

The UART device will be initialized with the following configuration:

  • 8 data bits
  • no parity
  • 1 stop bit
  • baudrate as given

If no callback parameter is given (rx_cb := NULL), the UART will be initialized in TX only mode.


uart:UART device to initialize
baudrate:desired baudrate in baud/s
rx_cb:receive callback, executed in interrupt context once for every byte that is received (RX buffer filled), set to NULL for TX only mode
arg:optional context passed to the callback functions

Return values

  • UART_OK on success
  • UART_NODEV on invalid UART device
  • UART_NOBAUD on inapplicable baudrate
  • UART_INTERR on other errors
void uart_write(uart.h::uart_t uart, const uint8_t * data, msp430_types.h::size_t len)

Write data from the given buffer to the specified UART device.

This function is blocking, as it will only return after len bytes from the given buffer have been send. The way this data is send is up to the implementation: active waiting, interrupt driven, DMA, etc.


uart:UART device to use for transmission
data:data buffer to send
len:number of bytes to send

void uart_poweron(uart.h::uart_t uart)

Power on the given UART device.


uart:the UART device to power on

void uart_poweroff(uart.h::uart_t uart)

Power off the given UART device.


uart:the UART device to power off

struct uart_isr_ctx_t

Interrupt context for a UART device.

uart.h::uart_rx_cb_t rx_cb

data received interrupt callback

void * arg

argument to both callback routines