
SLIP device definitions.


UART buffer size used for TX and RX buffers.


Reduce this value if your expected traffic does not include full IPv6 MTU sized packets.

void slipdev_setup(slipdev_t * dev, const slipdev_params_t * params)

Setup a slipdev device state.


dev:device descriptor
params:parameters for device initialization

struct slipdev_params_t

Configuration parameters for a slipdev.

uart.h::uart_t uart

UART interface the device is connected to.

uint32_t baudrate

baudrate to use with slipdev.h::slipdev_params_t::uart

struct slipdev_t

Device descriptor for slipdev.

netdev.h::netdev_t netdev

parent class

slipdev_params_t config

configuration parameters

tsrb.h::tsrb_t inbuf

RX buffer.

char rxmem()

memory used by RX buffer

uint16_t inesc

device previously received an escape byte