
TCP option handling declarations.

uint32_t _option_build_mss(uint16_t mss)

Helper function to build the MSS option.


mss:MSS value that should be set.

Return values

  • MSS option value.
uint16_t _option_build_offset_control(uint16_t nopts, uint16_t ctl)

Helper function to build the combined option and control flag field.


nopts:Number of options.
ctl:Control flag field.

Return values

  • Bitfield with encoded control bits and number of options.
int _option_parse(tcb.h::gnrc_tcp_tcb_t * tcb, tcp_hdr_t * hdr)

Parses options of a given TCP header.


tcb:TCB holding the connection information.
hdr:TCP header to be parsed.

Return values

  • Zero on success. Negative value on error.