
Neighbor Information Base interface for NHDP.

struct nib_entry nib_entry_t

Neighbor Set entry (neighbor tuple)

struct nib_lost_address_entry nib_lost_address_entry_t

Lost Neighbor Set entry (lost neighbor tuple, lnt)

nib_table.h::nib_entry_t * nib_process_hello(void)

Process a received HELLO message in the NIB.


Must not be called from outside the NHDP reader’s message processing.

Return values

  • Pointer to the new Neighbor Tuple
  • NULL on error
void nib_fill_wr_addresses(struct rfc5444_writer * wr)

Add addresses to the currently constructed HELLO message.


Must not be called from outside the NHDP writer’s message creation process.


wr:The NHDP writer used for message construction

void nib_rem_nb_entry(nib_table.h::nib_entry_t * nib_entry)

Remove a Neighbor Tuple.


nib_entry:Pointer to the Neighbor Tuple

void nib_set_nb_entry_sym(nib_table.h::nib_entry_t * nib_entry)

Set a Neighbor Tuple’s symmetry flag.

Removes all Lost Neighbor Tuples representing addresses included in the Neighbor Tuple’s address list.


nib_entry:Pointer to the Neighbor Tuple

void nib_reset_nb_entry_sym(nib_table.h::nib_entry_t * nib_entry, timex_t * now)

Reset a Neighbor Tuple’s symmetry flag.

Adds a Lost Neighbor Tuple for every address in the Neighbor Tuple’s address list.


nib_entry:Pointer to the Neighbor Tuple
now:Pointer to current time timex representation

struct nib_entry

Neighbor Set entry (neighbor tuple)

nhdp_address.h::nhdp_addr_entry_t * address_list_head

Pointer to this tuple’s addresses.

uint8_t symmetric

Flag whether sym link to this nb exists.

uint32_t metric_in

Lowest metric value for incoming link.

uint32_t metric_out

Lowest metric value for outgoing link.

struct nib_entry * next

Pointer to next list entry.

struct nib_lost_address_entry

Lost Neighbor Set entry (lost neighbor tuple, lnt)

nhdp_address.h::nhdp_addr_t * address

Pointer to addr represented by this lnt.

timex_t expiration_time

Time at which entry expires.

struct nib_lost_address_entry * next

Pointer to next list entry.