
Reader interface for message processing in NHDP.

void nhdp_reader_init(void)

Set up the NHDP reader.

Initializes the reader and registers HELLO messages as a message type consumed by this reader.

void nhdp_reader_cleanup(void)

Clean up the NHDP reader.

int nhdp_reader_handle_packet(kernel_types.h::kernel_pid_t rcvg_if_pid, void * buffer, msp430_types.h::size_t length)

Handle a packet received from a registered interface.


HELLO message processing is triggered from this function.


rcvg_if_pid:PID of the interface the packet was received on
buffer:Pointer to start of packet data
length:Length in bytes of the packet data

Return values

  • rfc5444_result of the packet handling process