
Texas Instruments MSP430 specific code.


Wordsize in bit for MSP430 platforms.

ISR( a, b)

Macro for defining interrupt service routines.

void __attribute__((naked, interrupt (a))) b(void)
int __irq_is_in

The current ISR state (inside or not)

char __isr_stack()

Memory used as stack for the interrupt context.

void __disable_irq(void)

Globally disable IRQs.

void __enable_irq(void)

Globally enable IRQs.

void __save_context(void)

Save the current thread context from inside an ISR.

void __restore_context(void)

Restore the thread context from inside an ISR.

void __enter_isr(void)

Run this code on entering interrupt routines.

void __exit_isr(void)

Run this code on exiting interrupt routines.

void msp430_cpu_init(void)

Initialize the cpu.

void cpu_print_last_instruction(void)

Print the last instruction’s address.

: Not supported