
CAN memory allocation module.

void can_pkt_init(void)

Initialize the CAN packet module.

This must be called by the DLL to initialize the module

can_pkt_t * can_pkt_alloc_tx(int ifnum, const struct can_frame * frame, kernel_types.h::kernel_pid_t tx_pid)

Allocate a CAN packet to transmit.

This function allocates a CAN packet and associates it to the ifnum and tx_pid. The provided frame is copied into the CAN packet and a unique handle is set.


ifnum:the interface number
frame:the frame to copy
tx_pid:the pid of the sender’s device thread

Return values

  • an allocated CAN packet, NULL if an error occured
can_pkt_t * can_pkt_alloc_rx(int ifnum, const struct can_frame * frame)

Allocate an incoming CAN packet.


ifnum:the interface number
frame:the received frame

Return values

  • an allocated CAN packet, NULL if an error occured
can_pkt_t * can_pkt_alloc_mbox_tx(int ifnum, const struct can_frame * frame, mbox_t * mbox)

Allocate a CAN packet for a mbox to transmit.

This function allocates a CAN packet and associate it to the ifnum and mbox. The provided frame is copied into the CAN packet and a unique handle is set.


ifnum:the interface number
frame:the frame to copy
mbox:the pointer to the sender’s mbox

Return values

  • an allocated CAN packet, NULL if an error occured
void can_pkt_free(can_pkt_t * pkt)

Free a CAN packet.


pkt:the packet to free, it must be a pointer returned by include/can/pkt.h::can_pkt_alloc_tx() or include/can/pkt.h::can_pkt_alloc_rx()

sys/include/can/common.h::can_rx_data_t * can_pkt_alloc_rx_data(void * data, msp430_types.h::size_t len, void * arg)

Allocate a can_rx_data_t and initialize it with gieven parameters.

This is used to allocate a return value to the upper layer


data:data which will be returned
len:length of data
arg:optional argument for the upper layer

Return values

  • a can_rx_data_t pointer, NULL if out of memory
void can_pkt_free_rx_data(sys/include/can/common.h::can_rx_data_t * data)

Free rx data previously allocated by include/can/pkt.h::can_pkt_alloc_rx_data()


data:the pointer to free

void * can_pkt_buf_alloc(msp430_types.h::size_t size)

Allocate size bytes and return the pointer.

This function has been copied from gnrc_pktbuf_static


size:the number of bytes to allocate

Return values

  • the pointer to thje allocated data, NULL if out of memory
void can_pkt_buf_free(void * data, msp430_types.h::size_t size)

Free the data allocated by include/can/pkt.h::can_pkt_buf_alloc()


data:the pointer to free
size:the size of the data to free

struct can_pkt_t

A CAN packet.

A CAN packet is used to add stack-related data around a CAN frame

sys/include/can/common.h::can_reg_entry_t entry

entry containing ifnum and upper layer info

atomic_uint ref_count

Reference counter (for rx frames)

int handle

handle (for tx frames

struct can_frame frame

CAN Frame.

include/net/gnrc/pkt.h::gnrc_pktsnip_t * snip

Pointer to the allocated snip.