
xtimer implementation


IPC message type for xtimer msg callback.

uint32_t _xtimer_lltimer_now(void)

returns the (masked) low-level timer counter value.

uint32_t _xtimer_lltimer_mask(uint32_t val)

drop bits of a value that don’t fit into the low-level timer.

uint64_t _xtimer_now64(void)

xtimer internal stuff

int _xtimer_set_absolute(xtimer.h::xtimer_t * timer, uint32_t target)

Sets the timer to the appropriate timer_list or list_head.


The target to set the timer to has to be at least bigger then the ticks needed to jump into the function and calculate ‘_xtimer_now()’. So that ‘now’ did not pass the target. This is crucial when using low CPU frequencies and/or when the ‘_xtimer_now()’ call needs multiple xtimer ticks to evaluate.


timer:pointer to xtimer_t which is added to the list.
target:Absolute target value in ticks.

void _xtimer_set(xtimer.h::xtimer_t * timer, uint32_t offset)
void _xtimer_set64(xtimer.h::xtimer_t * timer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t long_offset)
void _xtimer_periodic_wakeup(uint32_t * last_wakeup, uint32_t period)
void _xtimer_set_msg(xtimer.h::xtimer_t * timer, uint32_t offset, msg_t * msg, kernel_types.h::kernel_pid_t target_pid)
void _xtimer_set_msg64(xtimer.h::xtimer_t * timer, uint64_t offset, msg_t * msg, kernel_types.h::kernel_pid_t target_pid)
void _xtimer_set_wakeup(xtimer.h::xtimer_t * timer, uint32_t offset, kernel_types.h::kernel_pid_t pid)
void _xtimer_set_wakeup64(xtimer.h::xtimer_t * timer, uint64_t offset, kernel_types.h::kernel_pid_t pid)
int _xtimer_msg_receive_timeout(msg_t * msg, uint32_t ticks)
int _xtimer_msg_receive_timeout64(msg_t * msg, uint64_t ticks)
void _xtimer_tsleep(uint32_t offset, uint32_t long_offset)

Sleep for the given number of ticks.


Minimal value xtimer.h::xtimer_spin() can spin.
