
ICMPv6 echo message definitions.

include/net/gnrc/pkt.h::gnrc_pktsnip_t * gnrc_icmpv6_echo_build(uint8_t type, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, uint8_t * data, msp430_types.h::size_t data_len)

Builds an ICMPv6 echo message of type type for sending.


type:Type of the echo message. Expected to be either ICMPV6_ECHO_REQ or ICMPV6_ECHO_REP.
id:ID for the echo message in host byte-order
seq:Sequence number for the echo message in host byte-order
data:Payload for the echo message
data_len:Length of data

Return values

  • The echo message on success
  • NULL, on failure
void gnrc_icmpv6_echo_req_handle(gnrc_netif_t * netif, ipv6_hdr_t * ipv6_hdr, icmpv6_echo_t * echo, uint16_t len)

ICMPv6 echo request handler.


netif:The interface the echo request was received on.
ipv6_hdr:The IPv6 header of the echo request.
echo:The Echo Request message.
len:Length of the echo request message (ipv6/hdr.h::ipv6_hdr_t::len of ipv6_hdr minus length of extension headers).