
Counter mode of operation for block ciphers.

int cipher_encrypt_ctr(cipher_t * cipher, uint8_t nonce_counter, uint8_t nonce_len, const uint8_t * input, msp430_types.h::size_t length, uint8_t * output)

Encrypt data of arbitrary length in counter mode.


cipher:Already initialized cipher struct
nonce_counter:A nounce and a counter encoded in 16 octets. The counter will be modified in each block encryption.
nonce_len:Length of the nonce in octets. As nounce and counter have to fit in one aligned 16 octet block, maximum length of nonce is limited by input_len: 16 - log_2(input_len)
input:pointer to input data to encrypt
length:length of the input data
output:pointer to allocated memory for encrypted data. It has to be of size data_len.

Return values

  • Length of encrypted data on a successful encryption
  • A negative error code if something went wrong
int cipher_decrypt_ctr(cipher_t * cipher, uint8_t nonce_counter, uint8_t nonce_len, const uint8_t * input, msp430_types.h::size_t length, uint8_t * output)

Decrypt data of arbitrary length in counter mode.

Encryption and decryption in ctr mode are basically the same.


cipher:Already initialized cipher struct
nonce_counter:A nounce and a counter encoded in 16 octets. The counter will be modified in each block encryption.
nonce_len:Length of the nonce in octets. As nounce and counter have to fit in one aligned 16 octet block, maximum length of nonce is limited by input_len: 16 - log_2(input_len)
input:pointer to input data to encrypt
length:length of the input data
output:pointer to allocated memory for encrypted data. It has to be of size data_len.

Return values

  • Length of decrypted data on a successful decryption
  • A negative error code if something went wrong