
Headers for the color handling module.

void color_rgb2hsv(color_rgb_t * rgb, color_hsv_t * hsv)

Convert RGB color to HSV color.


rgb:Input color encoded in RGB space
hsv:Output color encoded in HSV space

void color_hsv2rgb(color_hsv_t * hsv, color_rgb_t * rgb)

Convert HSV color to RGB color.


hsv:Input color encoded in HSV space
rgb:Output color encoded in RGB space

void color_hex2rgb(const uint32_t hex, color_rgb_t * rgb)

Convert a hex value of the form 0x00RRGGBB to an RGB color struct.


the two most significant bytes of hex will be ignored


hex:Input color encoded in hex
rgb:Output color encoded in RGB space

void color_rgb2hex(const color_rgb_t * rgb, uint32_t * hex)

Convert a rgb struct to a hex value of the form 0x00RRGGBB.


the two most significant bytes of hex will be 0


rgb:Input color encoded in RGB space
hex:Output color encoded in hex

void color_str2rgb(const char * str, color_rgb_t * color)

Convert a hex color string of the form ‘RRGGBB’ to a color_rgb_t struct.


str MUST contain only hexadecimal digits. Expect unexpected behaviour, otherwise.


str:Input color encoded as string of the form ‘RRGGBB’
color:Output color encoded in RGB space

void color_rgb2str(const color_rgb_t * rgb, char * str)

Convert a color_rgb_t struct to a hex color string of the form ‘RRGGBB’.


str MUST be big enough to hold 6 characters


rgb:Input color encoded in RGB space
str:Output color encoded as string of the form ‘RRGGBB’

void color_rgb_invert(const color_rgb_t * rgb, color_rgb_t * inv_rgb)

Invert a given rgb color.


rgb:Input rgb color, that should be converted. Must be NOT NULL
inv_rgb:Output rgb color, result of the conversion. Must be NOT NULL

void color_rgb_complementary(const color_rgb_t * rgb, color_rgb_t * comp_rgb)

Calculate the complementary color of a given rgb color.


Complementary color calculation according to adobe illustator calculations. See


rgb:Input rgb color. Must be NOT NULL
comp_rgb:Output rgb color, result of the complementary color calculation. Must be NOT NULL

struct color_rgb_t

Data-structure describing a RGB color.

uint8_t r

red value [0 - 255]

uint8_t g

green value [0 - 255]

uint8_t b

blue value [0 - 255]

struct color_rgba_t

RGBA color value.

color_rgb_t color

RGB value.

uint8_t alpha

alpha value [0 - 255]

struct color_hsv_t

Data-structure for holding HSV colors.

float h

hue value [0.0 - 360.0]

float s

saturation value [0.0 - 1.0]

float v

value [0.0 - 1.0]