
POSIX.1-2008 compliant version of the assert macro.


Activate verbose output for assert.h::assert when defined.

Without this macro defined the assert.h::assert macro will just print the address of the code line the assertion failed in. With the macro defined the macro will also print the file, the code line and the function this macro failed in.

To define just add it to your CFLAGS in your application’s Makefile:


assert( cond)

abort the program if assertion is false

((cond) ? (void)0 :  _assert_failure(RIOT_FILE_RELATIVE, __LINE__))

If the macro NDEBUG was defined at the moment <assert.h> was last included, the macro assert.h::assert generates no code, and hence does nothing at all.

Otherwise, the macro assert.h::assert prints an error message to standard error and terminates the application by calling panic.h::core_panic().

The purpose of this macro is to help programmers find bugs in their programs.

With assert.h::DEBUG_ASSERT_VERBOSE defined this will print also the file, the line and the function this assertion failed in.

If NDEBUG and assert.h::DEBUG_ASSERT_VERBOSE are not defined, a failed assertion generates output similar to:

Where 0x89abcdef is an address. This address can be used with tools like addr2line (or e.g. arm-none-eabi-addr2line for ARM-based code), objdump, or gdb (with the command info line *(0x89abcdef)) to identify the line the assertion failed in.

static_assert( cond, )

static_assert for c-version < c11

enum { static_assert_failed_on_div_by_0 = 1 / (!!(cond)) }

Generates a division by zero compile error when cond is false

const char assert_crash_message()

the string that is passed to panic in case of a failing assertion

kernel_defines.h::NORETURN void _assert_failure(const char * file, unsigned line)

Function to handle failed assertion.


This function was introduced for memory size optimization


file:The file name of the file the assertion failed in
line:The code line of file the assertion failed in