Misc Things

This is a test of a cross referencing role:

LUALIB_API lua_State * lua_riot_newstate(void * memory, msp430_types.h::size_t mem_size, lua_CFunction panicf)

Initialize a lua state and set the panic handler.

Use a per-state allocator


memory:Pointer to memory region that will be used as heap for the allocator. Currently this functionality is not supported and this must be set to NULL.
mem_size:Size of the memory region that will be used as heap. Currently this functionality is not supported and this must be set to 0.
panicf:Function to be passed to lua_atpanic. If set to NULL, a generic function that does nothing will be used.

Return values

  • the new state, or NULL if there is a memory allocation error.

This is a nice function for doing stuff.


Messaging / IPC type for passing a Packet up the network stack


Attribute to make symbols weak.


This should be made part of RIOT.

lua_builtin.h::WEAK const msp430_types.h::size_t lua_riot_builtin_lua_table_len

Number of elements of lua_riot_builtin_lua_table.

PyObject* PyTypeObject.tp_bases

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class Foo
A class for foos.

Quuxate the foo.


The format of the PyArray_Descr structure that lies at the heart of the PyArrayDescr_Type is